Etiquetes Esvalot

Esvalot fa referència a moviment, energia, alegria i celebració. Aquesta paraula encapsula l’esperit del vi i el seu procés d’elaboració.

Any de realització



Celler ERAVi

Tipus de projecte

Disseny d'embalatge i naming


Project Overview

Designing a multi-functional platform

"While studying in college, I faced the problem of finding orders for freelance development. In search of a solution to the problem, I came up with the concept of a closed freelance exchange. It was supposed to be a kind of private club for freelancers, where they could communicate with each other and find orders. Having completed the order, the freelancer could receive money only when the order is completed in full. I decided that this approach would be much more effective than just placing orders on freelancers' websites. Why? Because if a professional freelancer responds to an order, then the student will hardly be able to prove himself"

Nikita Stogniy


Develop the functionality of a closed freelance exchange and adapt it for use in an educational institution. The project is being implemented as part of the program to increase competitiveness and increase the export of education.
As part of the project, a portal with a closed platform for customers and performers will be created.
Each participant of the project will have access to a system through which he will be able to find both regular customers and employers for internship and employment.
"It is important for us not just to create a website, but to make it a convenient tool for all participants in the educational process.

Our roles

UI Design
Design system management
UX design. support
Bubble development

Research & Planning

Differentiating in a dense, competitive landscape

Initially, we didn't have any reference points - everything that needed to be done had to be done from scratch.
It was a complex project, in which we took into account everything: the site should be beautiful, but at the same time convenient and functional, as well as as understandable to the user as possible.


Establishing a fresh, dynamic and scalable design system

With a clear scope of the competitive landscape, we developed a design system that was visually calming and easy to use though the following practices:

Design System Ethos


Minimal, purposeful use of color


Typographic hierarchy and contrast make important information stand out


Similar component layouts that repeat throughout the dashboards


Nunito Sans was chosen for its classic, neutral, Helvetica-like qualities and it's legibility at small scales.

Color Palette


Designing for efficiency and easy collaboration

The final design aims to reduce the friction typically experienced when working within multiple platforms to complete different tasks. By consolidating these tasks into one unified platform collaboration is easier, workflows are more efficient, and projects are more organized.

Home Dashboard

Centralized hub to view new projects and their description

Single Project

Displays all requests, messages, and activity for each project

Projects screen

Screen that displays portfolio of every person

What's Next

Launching soon!

Frepl is set to launch in mid 2022. After launching with an MVP, the team plans to begin user testing to further iterate on the product's design, features, and functionality.

Project Overview

Designing a multi-functional platform

"While studying in college, I faced the problem of finding orders for freelance development. In search of a solution to the problem, I came up with the concept of a closed freelance exchange. It was supposed to be a kind of private club for freelancers, where they could communicate with each other and find orders. Having completed the order, the freelancer could receive money only when the order is completed in full. I decided that this approach would be much more effective than just placing orders on freelancers' websites. Why? Because if a professional freelancer responds to an order, then the student will hardly be able to prove himself"

Nikita Stogniy


Develop the functionality of a closed freelance exchange and adapt it for use in an educational institution. The project is being implemented as part of the program to increase competitiveness and increase the export of education.
As part of the project, a portal with a closed platform for customers and performers will be created.
Each participant of the project will have access to a system through which he will be able to find both regular customers and employers for internship and employment.
"It is important for us not just to create a website, but to make it a convenient tool for all participants in the educational process.

Our roles

UI Design
Design system management
UX design. support
Bubble development

Research & Planning

Differentiating in a dense, competitive landscape

Initially, we didn't have any reference points - everything that needed to be done had to be done from scratch.
It was a complex project, in which we took into account everything: the site should be beautiful, but at the same time convenient and functional, as well as as understandable to the user as possible.


Establishing a fresh, dynamic and scalable design system

With a clear scope of the competitive landscape, we developed a design system that was visually calming and easy to use though the following practices:

Design System Ethos


Minimal, purposeful use of color


Typographic hierarchy and contrast make important information stand out


Similar component layouts that repeat throughout the dashboards


Nunito Sans was chosen for its classic, neutral, Helvetica-like qualities and it's legibility at small scales.

Color Palette


Designing for efficiency and easy collaboration

The final design aims to reduce the friction typically experienced when working within multiple platforms to complete different tasks. By consolidating these tasks into one unified platform collaboration is easier, workflows are more efficient, and projects are more organized.

Home Dashboard

Centralized hub to view new projects and their description

Single Project

Displays all requests, messages, and activity for each project

Projects screen

Screen that displays portfolio of every person

What's Next

Launching soon!

Frepl is set to launch in mid 2022. After launching with an MVP, the team plans to begin user testing to further iterate on the product's design, features, and functionality.

Project Overview

Designing a multi-functional platform

"While studying in college, I faced the problem of finding orders for freelance development. In search of a solution to the problem, I came up with the concept of a closed freelance exchange. It was supposed to be a kind of private club for freelancers, where they could communicate with each other and find orders. Having completed the order, the freelancer could receive money only when the order is completed in full. I decided that this approach would be much more effective than just placing orders on freelancers' websites. Why? Because if a professional freelancer responds to an order, then the student will hardly be able to prove himself"

Nikita Stogniy


Develop the functionality of a closed freelance exchange and adapt it for use in an educational institution. The project is being implemented as part of the program to increase competitiveness and increase the export of education.
As part of the project, a portal with a closed platform for customers and performers will be created.
Each participant of the project will have access to a system through which he will be able to find both regular customers and employers for internship and employment.
"It is important for us not just to create a website, but to make it a convenient tool for all participants in the educational process.

Our roles

UI Design
Design system management
UX design. support
Bubble development

Research & Planning

Differentiating in a dense, competitive landscape

Initially, we didn't have any reference points - everything that needed to be done had to be done from scratch.
It was a complex project, in which we took into account everything: the site should be beautiful, but at the same time convenient and functional, as well as as understandable to the user as possible.


Establishing a fresh, dynamic and scalable design system

With a clear scope of the competitive landscape, we developed a design system that was visually calming and easy to use though the following practices:

Design System Ethos


Minimal, purposeful use of color


Typographic hierarchy and contrast make important information stand out


Similar component layouts that repeat throughout the dashboards


Nunito Sans was chosen for its classic, neutral, Helvetica-like qualities and it's legibility at small scales.

Color Palette


Designing for efficiency and easy collaboration

The final design aims to reduce the friction typically experienced when working within multiple platforms to complete different tasks. By consolidating these tasks into one unified platform collaboration is easier, workflows are more efficient, and projects are more organized.

Home Dashboard

Centralized hub to view new projects and their description

Single Project

Displays all requests, messages, and activity for each project

Projects screen

Screen that displays portfolio of every person

What's Next

Launching soon!

Frepl is set to launch in mid 2022. After launching with an MVP, the team plans to begin user testing to further iterate on the product's design, features, and functionality.

Per a l’etiqueta, s’ha creat una composició tipogràfica dinàmica on les mateixes lletres interactuen de manera juganera, utilitzant la repetició i la superposició per generar sensacions visuals que evoquen l’energia i l’alegria del procés ancestral d’elaboració del vi.
Les lletres s’entrellacen i es repeteixen de manera fluida i espontània, creant un joc visual que sembla estar en constant moviment, com les bombolles de gas que s’alliberen durant la fermentació. Els colors vibrants i l’estil enèrgic amplifiquen encara més aquesta sensació d’energia contagiosa i celebració.
Cada etiqueta d’Esvalot és única, creada mitjançant un procés automatitzat que genera variacions de manera aleatòria. Aquest enfocament, igual que el procés d’elaboració del vi, segueix mètodes i protocols establerts, però la seva evolució continua sent impredictible, tal com la fermentació es desenvolupa de manera única a cada ampolla.
Aquesta singularitat dona a cada ampolla un caràcter exclusiu, convertint-les en peces individuals dins d’una col·lecció que no només representa l’essència del vi, sinó també l’art de la seva creació. Això afegeix valor al producte, fent-lo especial i irrepetible per a qui el gaudeix.

Més projectes